2. Way too many exclamation points for something that is "suppose to" sound technical. C-
3. Misspellings galore. C
4. Gross misuse of this--> ; F-
Are you 15 or 16 years old? " - TheChronicHotAir
This was this guy's response to my "Early mathematical history of Pi" article,
At a youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2pi47X3q2A of "The British Blues Boom of The 1960's (Jeff Beck,Eric Clapton,Jimi Hendrix & Jimmy Page)" I posted . . .
In Return of the Jedi, C3PO, and R2D2 first go up to Jabba's palace; they first knock on the door; and, before anyone from Jabba's could answer, C3PO says quickly, "there doesn't seem to be anyone here; let's go back and tell master Luke", at which point some robot video camera pops out of the hugh doorway to answer the knock. C3PO statement is about fear(perhaps, in this case justified) and an attempt to avoid, to be vague. I seem to get a lot of movie examples; but, I just got a real life example!
I e-mailed Foresight institute, at least former President Christine Peterson. She has well a four year degree in chemistry from M.I.T. and she's been involved in nanotech for a long time. I pointed out that a Chris Phoenix couldn't seem to handle or have no response to my e-mailing him Carl Sagan's Cosmos episode 7. For which she replied, to avoid the question much as C3PO above, with the following,
May 17
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Hi David -- I am overwhelmed with other work, so unfortunately I can't help with this.
Thanks for thinking of me!"
In "Indepedence Day"(odd title for a E.T/space movie), the President actor is talking to a scientist about some ufo. The scientist points out that since the aliens got here, all the gizmos inside the spacecraft have been firing up. The president 'acts up' by saying "exciting; I don't think this is exciting; people are dieing out there."
ReplyDeleteThe scientists wasn't talking about all the destruction going on outside of his experience. He was talking about the scientifically interesting things going on in the ufo. But, the President is too 'immature' to see this, and blasts the scientists as if he was immoral or something. I find this is often the way people act in the real world. Especially in the Navy/Military. And in there, where you're not allowed to question, it gets Nazi real fast. And then they're like, "what's wrong with you" "The Navy is just so much fun".
I posted about the Dogon/Sirius star system mystery. I found that the Sirius star system has a white dwarf; yet, it's only approximately 300 million years old. White dwarfs are in general the end products of the evolution of sunlike stars. This process takes like almost ten billion years. So, I thought this was strange. Then I found the solution by asking some astronomer. He pointed out that in the beginning of a stars birth, they could eject lots of mass. Sometimes, they can eject so much mass, they leave a white dwarf. Great, mystery solved!
ReplyDeleteI post this on a Buccaneers messageboard(PewterReport), and the reply I get was from a acacius responds with "but there's nothing particularly remarkable about its having left the main sequence in only 120 million years."
I mean he doesn't disprove what I'm saying; he just decides it's not remarkable for some strange reason! This is how people think. I point out a problem, oh, go to the psych ward! Put him on drugs! That's not allowed to be thought!